Monday, November 06, 2017

Here I Stand, Too.

Been hearing sermons about Marty Luther and the beginnings of the Reformation.
Christians in 2017 are facing some different trials than he withstood, (see what I did there?) but for the most part Christians ARE re-formed.
Meaning that we do not break away from the church because it is vile and heretical.
I've made the point before, that my military dog tag lists me as a Protestant, which is no longer true. Rather than identifying with a negative, protesting against that church that Marty nailed, I identify with Jesus Christ, the very most positive of possible Positives.
Standing with Christ automatically puts me at odds with an entire world which rejects Christ.
Been so standing for nearly 40 years now, and I wouldn't switch back for any or everything.
So here I stand, too. One among many, many, many,many others who also stand.
May God richly Bless you today.

1 comment:

Doug said...

Yah, old picture from back in the back-whens. But the post is very 2017.