Thursday, November 28, 2013

HAPPY P.T.B.D.!!!!!

Arfred: Hi! I'm Arfred!
Barky-Lou: And I'm Barky-Lou!
Together: And we're dogs! (laughter, howls)
Barky-Lou: We thank Doug for letting us guest post here at FDW-when we met him
 online he thought we were humans!
Arfred:  We want to join in Thanking God today-He has given us great humans...
Barky-Lou: Who give us love and shelter and walks and food!
Arfred: Today is a special day-our humans have cleaned the house...
Barky-Lou: And have been cooking for days...
Arfred: And we know what that door knock means...
Together: Prime Table Begging Day!!!!!
Arfred: We won't have to whimper or 'accidentally' bump up against the chair legs-
 all we need to do is sit quietly under the table and wait!
Barky-Lou: Arf, remember last time when that human pup dropped a whole pork chop
 right into your mouth?
Arfred: Do I? You know where I'll be sitting today!
Barky-Lou:  And it all comes from our Creator Who has given us everything!
Together: Happy Prime Table Begging Day, everyone!

1 comment:

Doug said...

I couldn't convince the dogs that some humans claim to NOT believe in our Creator. That doesn't translate well-the closest concept for them was that some humans act like cats, who pretend to be in charge even though cats know the truth.
I'm thankful to God for every day and for everything in my life, and for the Everything that is waiting in Eternity.
I'm thankful for bad times, hard times also, as they remind me that God, not Man the center of the multi-verse, and that this temporary world is not my true Home.
May God richly Bless you today.