Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Voice Not The Songs

I've got some good news for you, friends-you who do not have God are lost, blind and hopeless.
When I say God I mean the God Who revealed Himself in Scripture.
When I say lost, I mean lost for eternity, separated from all love and goodness.
When I say blind, I mean willfully blind to the truth about God. You who would go a thousand miles out
of your way to avoid a Christian attempting to share the Gospel with you. I mean you.
And hopeless speaks for itself. You will not survive without Jesus Christ, and if you would rather die than seek out the Salvation he offers, you are without hope. Doomed.
I did say good news. If you have read this far, you are still alive, have breath in your lungs and opportunity
to AVOID being lost, blind and hopeless.
There is no hope available in man-made religions which obscure the truth about God.
I mean you, Catholics. Muslims. Buddhists.
There is also no hope available in Man, who is somehow supposed to be able to solve the problems that Man creates? Really? Easier to put out a fire with gasoline.
We are entering the season when the hypocrisy of Man causes him to pretend that he loves God.
Man will sing the Christmas Carol which he never wants to see happen:
"Joy to the world, the Lord is come...Let Earth receive her King!"
Let every heart prepare Him room? MY heart?!?
Yes-your heart, as in every heart. If that thought terrifies you, please do not be a hypocrite and celebrate
Seek Him, honestly pray for Him to extend to you the faith to believe. He is STILL in the saving sinners business. He saved me, and I most especially do not deserve Salvation, but I love that God has granted it
to me. I am the exact opposite of lost, blind and hopeless and so can you, America.

1 comment:

Doug said...

I was listening to a radio podcast last night where a Scripture was accurately noted. Could have knocked me over.
The radio hosts are not Christian, and it isn't a "Christian" show. But they got one right.
But then they trotted out that old sick dog: "In order to get to Heaven you have to be a good person."
Oh no-if that is the litmus test, I'm going to hell, as I am definitely NOT a good person. Not good enough for Heaven.
Hope somehow to see you there.